#103865 Is anyone else like this? |
HANDLE: Water DATE: 2024年12月5日 8時21分 | I hate talking to people in real life including my friends, I'm not awkard or anything I just hate having to talk to people. When I see my friends coming towards me I literally want to evaporate. If my classmates talk to me I will ignore them because I cant be bothered to say anything back.
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#103864 daily observations |
HANDLE: XXISTROPHE DATE: 2024年12月5日 5時48分 | my soul yearns for something more.
or maybe its my ego , the force of wanting is killing me . i will instead go around the bloc listening to red house painters while asking existensialism questions , and wearing my old heavy leather jacket.
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#103863 daily observations |
HANDLE: XXISTROPHE DATE: 2024年12月5日 5時33分 | it feels eerie everything , the air, the people; the roads, although ive been here all my life. my soul does not find familiarity. ç"è("ç'("ç)'_(")_("j'"çç'
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#103862 insta gc |
HANDLE: . DATE: 2024年12月5日 5時31分 | Does anyone wanna join a lily chou chou gc on insta? Reply with your user or message me on a2y_821 ‼️
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#103861 Re: Re: december |
HANDLE: XXISTROPHE DATE: 2024年12月5日 5時30分 | AMEN wrote: > it will get better :-) life is a loophole
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#103860 Re: december |
HANDLE: AMEN DATE: 2024年12月5日 5時4分 | it will get better :-)
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#103859 december |
HANDLE: 0rsley DATE: 2024年12月4日 20時36分 | i lost a friend may december be great to all of us it will get better!
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#103858 first post |
HANDLE: pleh DATE: 2024年12月4日 18時19分 | I watched the movie recently. maybe about 2 weeks ago. its one of the best movies i have ever seen and my favorite at the moment. im glad i watched it, it really was amazing.
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#103857 Hello |
HANDLE: S DATE: 2024年12月4日 18時8分 | Good morning
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#103856 Re: messy love |
HANDLE: cherish DATE: 2024年12月4日 15時49分 | 304 wrote: > out of everything in my life that could have gone like the movies, it’s an angsty yearning for my best friend. who doesn’t see me in that way at all. i don’t know why it never clicked to me and why it took another friend commenting and swerving the question to make me realise my supposed old feelings never went away. i hate this.
i think i am in a similar situation. there is nothing we can really do about how others feel, but we can control ourselves. i think we need to live as happily and without worry as we can, and we will attract good things. i hope i dont sound privileged. i know we cant control our emotions completely, but we can control how we look at things. i wish the best for everyone here.
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#103855 Re: Re: i |
HANDLE: ena DATE: 2024年12月4日 11時13分 | kobayashi wrote: > ena wrote: > > fico feliz em saber que teve tanta consideração por mim a ponto de lembrar de me incluir na listinha de pessoas que você vai se afastar e excluir completamente da vida do nada > > obrigada por tudo:) > > é, sei como se sente, vai aparecer pessoas melhores na sua vida > elas podem estar longe ou perto mas elas vão aparecer > e vão se importar com você, tomar conta de você, aceitar você. > então, coloque seus fones, escute lily chou-chou e entre no éter e fique bem por favor
oioi obrigada pelas palavras^^ por curiosidade, seu nome "kobayashi" é de onde?
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#103854 |
HANDLE: DATE: 2024年12月4日 9時6分 |
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#103853 messy love |
HANDLE: 304 DATE: 2024年12月4日 5時32分 | out of everything in my life that could have gone like the movies, it’s an angsty yearning for my best friend. who doesn’t see me in that way at all. i don’t know why it never clicked to me and why it took another friend commenting and swerving the question to make me realise my supposed old feelings never went away. i hate this.
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#103852 |
HANDLE: DATE: 2024年12月4日 4時41分 |
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#103851 Re: how life is so bland right now |
HANDLE: galieo DATE: 2024年12月4日 3時45分 | paddyfield^^ wrote: > everything seems so saltless, sugarless and not even a pinch of spice. that's my life. Oh, will ever not experience me escaping this so called fast world and just lie down in the perfect shade of green paddy field with rain soaking my clothes and hair and also my cluttering thoughts as well:/
having a boring life is a privilege. i would kill for it.
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#103850 how life is so bland right now |
HANDLE: paddyfield^^ DATE: 2024年12月4日 2時11分 | everything seems so saltless, sugarless and not even a pinch of spice. that's my life. Oh, will ever not experience me escaping this so called fast world and just lie down in the perfect shade of green paddy field with rain soaking my clothes and hair and also my cluttering thoughts as well:/
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#103849 kill me |
HANDLE: soojin DATE: 2024年12月4日 1時21分 | i wish my only problem was being an angsry teen who hates everyone like half people on here but noi gottabe that with irresposible chilidsh parents in a foreign country. oh wow
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#103848 kill me |
HANDLE: soojin DATE: 2024年12月4日 1時18分 | 2 months not at school.. got kicked from my doctor for cancelling like 5 appointments in a row and reported me to the cps... can I be 18 already
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#103847 今日のエーテルは |
HANDLE: うめ DATE: 2024年12月3日 22時26分 | 今僕のエーテルは乱れていると思う。 色ではちょっと説明できない。 しいて言うなら、エメラルドグリーンとでも言いたいところだが。 落ち着け、落ち着くんだ。 落ちていく・・・。
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#103846 |
HANDLE: DATE: 2024年12月3日 19時12分 |
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