#103586  -
HANDLE: Doraemon DATE: 2024年11月7日 1時52分
What can I say? It’s a little corrupted. Doctor bringing a pale tiny scorpion in his palm. So unreal. So fragile. What can I feel? A longing? A buzz in the brain? So many questions. So many teeth had to fall out. Rotten ones. Their decaying didn’t stop even in that stupid jar. In that stupid basement. Tell me doctor, what’s this nostalgia? Making me scope my eye out. Making me crawl and yet desire to be still. Give her to me. So fragile. Give her to me.

#103585  t0kyon1ght
HANDLE: . DATE: 2024年11月6日 21時49分
ever since I was a child, I have often played with fortune telling. Horoscopes, card readings, throwing a shoe into the air and telling whether it will be heads or tails. If it lands on tails, you will be happy. If it lands on heads, you will be unhappy. Happiness or unhappiness.

#103584  my old man
HANDLE: Ghost DATE: 2024年11月6日 19時30分
My dad is reaching out to me again. But i just wanna forget about him. I wish I never met him in the first place.

#103583  @
HANDLE: ena DATE: 2024年11月6日 13時55分
não sabes o quanto isso me machuca mais do que conforta

#103582  @
HANDLE: ena DATE: 2024年11月6日 13時55分
não sabes o quanto isso me machuca mais do que conforta

#103581  Silence
HANDLE: bugsnatch DATE: 2024年11月6日 13時29分
I scream, yet there’s no noise to be heard
I scream, still no one answers
I scream, but they leave me rotting
did I ever scream in the first place

#103580  Look it
HANDLE: blueberry DATE: 2024年11月6日 9時56分
I found it. And now I don't feel anything.

HANDLE:  DATE: 2024年11月6日 6時14分


#103578  ether
HANDLE: lilys ether DATE: 2024年11月6日 5時0分
it's november. the world is turning grey, figuratively and literally. only lilys music can keep the color in this world of grey.

HANDLE:  DATE: 2024年11月6日 0時39分


#103576  random thoughts
HANDLE: dael DATE: 2024年11月5日 15時18分
is happiness desserts anyone who tries to commit suicide?

#103575  Color
HANDLE: CP DATE: 2024年11月5日 12時8分
Lily and her music makes me forgot all my troubles. It's the color to this empty world.

#103574  Lily
HANDLE: Ghost DATE: 2024年11月4日 23時56分
Life is temporary. Love is temporary. Lily is forever.

HANDLE:  DATE: 2024年11月4日 12時35分


HANDLE:  DATE: 2024年11月4日 12時32分


#103571  Re: Empty
HANDLE: devoid DATE: 2024年11月4日 12時32分
CP wrote:
> The world is so grey.

> devoid wrote: especially at night. It’s so dark and blurry in a soothing way.

#103570  ***
HANDLE: devoid DATE: 2024年11月4日 12時27分
devoid wrote:
> It’s frustrating to not know what’s wrong with you. You wake up feeling the same wretched way. You sleep knowing this won’t stop no matter how much you try to forget it. It’s so sickening and exhausting… I hate that this mind controls me through every step I take or do..there will never be a way out of this.

#103569  .
HANDLE: Doraemon DATE: 2024年11月4日 8時24分
It’s so peaceful in here, almost like there’s not a single rotten person in here, almost like I have forgotten that I’m as rotten as them.

#103568  Re: Empty
HANDLE: Doraemon DATE: 2024年11月4日 8時20分
CP wrote:
> The world is so grey.


It’s just that we have gotten used to its colours.

HANDLE:  DATE: 2024年11月4日 8時11分