#103601 绝望是红色的以太 |
HANDLE: 佳熙 DATE: 2024年11月9日 21時4分 | 日子过得好辛苦啊,莫名其妙就失落起来
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#103600 hello world |
HANDLE: erhte DATE: 2024年11月9日 18時20分 | hello world
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#103599 ether |
HANDLE: ysh DATE: 2024年11月9日 17時29分 | 第一次发现这个网站 时间过去的可真快
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#103598 to Kisuo |
HANDLE: 99 DATE: 2024年11月8日 16時49分 | hello! thank you for remembering me ;_; it means so much to me. i’m sorry you don’t feel safe to write here anymore, i really wish i could help you in some way. if there is a way i can help let me know. i hope you feel better soon, i hope everyone on this site feels better soon. i’m here for you and everyone here also.
just remember that everything will be okay.
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#103597 ピル |
HANDLE: Kisuo DATE: 2024年11月8日 15時31分 | I can't remember the last time I've felt so ethical. It's been since July had I wrote last. I no longer feel safe anymore, nor even writing here & it's the toughest pill to swallow.
Hello 99, devoid & ghost! I hope you are doing just as well. There's no reason... just a few people I'll always remember & hold dear. I'm doing as worse as one ever could, losing pieces of me every day. It's hard to recognize myself anymore, I don't see me in me anymore. I'm no longer my life long friend & to this day, I feel like cutting white lines.
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#103596 O ruído desse mundo |
HANDLE: cut DATE: 2024年11月8日 13時13分 | O karma existe, e é a culpa. A culpa sempre alcança as pessoas que cometem atos estúpidos contra as outras pessoas. "E se..." "Talvez eu...", é o karma que eu carrego todos os dias, perseguindo fantasmas do passado que se tornaram memórias, incapaz de aceitar as coisas como elas são. Quem sabe um dia eu tenha a minha catarses e consiga me perdoar pelo que fiz com pessoas nas quais eu nem consegui pedir perdão. Quem sabe um dia eu consiga pedir desculpas. E o barulho sempre aumenta...
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#103595 scared |
HANDLE: bunny DATE: 2024年11月8日 12時44分 | for so many times, the closest ones near me have harmed themselves. i make sure to always be there for them and to put up a strong front to let them know things will be okay. but deep down inside, my heart hurts for them. i almost lost the one i loved the most recently. if things went wrong, there would have been no way of me knowing. i am terrified. i wish i could do more. i hope the ether gives me enough strength to continue being strong.
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#103594 |
HANDLE: DATE: 2024年11月8日 11時38分 |
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#103593 . |
HANDLE: 99 DATE: 2024年11月8日 5時25分 | that fuzzy feeling in my head is starting to come back
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#103592 So-n-so |
HANDLE: mysl DATE: 2024年11月8日 3時31分 | It's all a matter of perfect timing, in my head the sound's swelling.
My edges aren't defined and my innards don't rhyme.
Not really in the mood, just waiting to pass through.
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#103591 So-n-so |
HANDLE: mysl DATE: 2024年11月8日 3時31分 | It's all a matter of perfect timing, in my head the sound's swelling.
My edges aren't defined and my innards don't rhyme.
Not really in the mood, just waiting to pass through.
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#103590 |
HANDLE: DATE: 2024年11月7日 21時24分 |
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#103589 ether in life |
HANDLE: etherholic DATE: 2024年11月7日 12時32分 | everything in life seems to be going wrong. only lily is keeping me happy, every single night seems to be the same. studying, studying, and knowing my future may be meaningless no matter what i do. listening to lily makes me feel better. i feel the ether everyday because of her.
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#103588 basho |
HANDLE: ailan DATE: 2024年11月7日 9時17分 | poetry and lily keeps me alive with the turning of the seasons, seasonal depression rears its ugly head and again i am unhappy. suicide i contemplate every night i cry this poems rings in my head
Loath to let spring go, Birds cry, and even fishes' eyes are wet with tears
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#103587 |
HANDLE: DATE: 2024年11月7日 5時12分 |
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#103586 - |
HANDLE: Doraemon DATE: 2024年11月7日 1時52分 | What can I say? It’s a little corrupted. Doctor bringing a pale tiny scorpion in his palm. So unreal. So fragile. What can I feel? A longing? A buzz in the brain? So many questions. So many teeth had to fall out. Rotten ones. Their decaying didn’t stop even in that stupid jar. In that stupid basement. Tell me doctor, what’s this nostalgia? Making me scope my eye out. Making me crawl and yet desire to be still. Give her to me. So fragile. Give her to me.
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#103585 t0kyon1ght |
HANDLE: . DATE: 2024年11月6日 21時49分 | ever since I was a child, I have often played with fortune telling. Horoscopes, card readings, throwing a shoe into the air and telling whether it will be heads or tails. If it lands on tails, you will be happy. If it lands on heads, you will be unhappy. Happiness or unhappiness.
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#103584 my old man |
HANDLE: Ghost DATE: 2024年11月6日 19時30分 | My dad is reaching out to me again. But i just wanna forget about him. I wish I never met him in the first place.
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#103583 @ |
HANDLE: ena DATE: 2024年11月6日 13時55分 | não sabes o quanto isso me machuca mais do que conforta
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#103582 @ |
HANDLE: ena DATE: 2024年11月6日 13時55分 | não sabes o quanto isso me machuca mais do que conforta
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