#104604  Re: Re: lonely
HANDLE: lain DATE: 2025年3月4日 21時11分
ripple wrote:
> lain wrote:
> > hi, I'm french. I really…
> > omggg hellooo, je suis aussi française!! J’espère que depuis t’as trouvé quelque chose à faire! Sinon comment tu va? ça me fait trop bizarre de parler français ici mdrr
> alors il y avait bien d'autres francais! c'est genial! Aujourd'hui je vais voir un psy(ça fait des mois que mes profs s'inquiètent et on m'a demandé d'avoir un suivi), je pense pas que ça change grand chose à ma vie mais ça vaut le coup d'essayer. C'est assez difficile d'accepter l'aide. J'ai toujours pas commencé mes devoirs, à part ceux en art (j'ai une option dans mon lycée, on doit dessiner une chaussure par jour mdr) vous venez d'ou? moi j'habite en Charente

#104603  Re: lonely
HANDLE: azsz DATE: 2025年3月4日 20時13分
lain wrote:
> hi, I'm french. I really loved..
> salut je suis français aussi mdr ça fait bizarre c'est rare! c'est vrai que ça a l'air déprimant dit comme ça mais essaye de t'occuper pour que ça passe plus vite en attendant la fin des vacances

#104602  Re: lonely
HANDLE: ripple DATE: 2025年3月4日 19時43分
lain wrote:
> hi, I'm french. I really…
> omggg hellooo, je suis aussi française!! J’espère que depuis t’as trouvé quelque chose à faire! Sinon comment tu va? ça me fait trop bizarre de parler français ici mdrr

#104601  concert
HANDLE: randy DATE: 2025年3月4日 13時41分
last week thursday I went to a concert. i saw a famous violinist. he had gray hair and rolled on stage in an electric wheelchair. he performed with a pianist, who was also really good. i liked it.


#104600  Re: Re: bsf
HANDLE: nellie.ly DATE: 2025年3月4日 12時50分
azsz wrote:
> nellie.ly wrote:
> > I realized my best friend is super mean. We told her about her attitude, she didn't change. Is it best to let her go?
> > It can be hard to let her go because she is your friend :/ did you try to understand why she is acting like that? Maybe there is a reason she can't talk about but yes if she doesnt bring you anything positive you should let her go
> I do understand why, but it gets to a point where it's tiring and it's always having to understand her while she doesn't seem to care about others but herself only. Tysm for replying


#104599  Re: last year
HANDLE: 14 DATE: 2025年3月4日 11時10分
I think no person is boring. Even quieter, reserved students like Yuichi have a complex and interesting inner life which they keep to themselves. The rest of the world just can’t see it.

Hang in there, it’ll all be over soon in a few months. I hope you’ll see better days in uni!

#104598  Re: lonely
HANDLE: Doshi DATE: 2025年3月4日 10時46分
lain wrote:
> hi, I'm french. I really loved lily chou-chou. it's the holidays, but I'm completely alone, my friends are all busy and my phone stopped working. it's rather depressing. I came here to seek comfort. I had almost forgotten that humans could really communicate with each other :)

sorry your feeling lonely. uhm wanna watch a movie? it could be nice for you maybe.


HANDLE: Ether DATE: 2025年3月4日 10時31分
I love lily chou chou, i experience the ether when i hesr her songs or when i take pictures. I feel calm. ♡♡

#104596  lonely
HANDLE: lain DATE: 2025年3月4日 5時19分
hi, I'm french. I really loved lily chou-chou. it's the holidays, but I'm completely alone, my friends are all busy and my phone stopped working. it's rather depressing. I came here to seek comfort. I had almost forgotten that humans could really communicate with each other :)

#104595  Re: hello
HANDLE: Chaotic DATE: 2025年3月4日 3時50分
304 wrote:
> how is everyone? i haven’t been on this site in a while my messages kept refusing to send which is sad. the sky is so blue these days spring is nearly here again
> I'm so tired actually because of my studies, but the weather was nice, but i wished I could've slept more.

#104594  Re: bsf
HANDLE: azsz DATE: 2025年3月4日 3時14分
nellie.ly wrote:
> I realized my best friend is super mean. We told her about her attitude, she didn't change. Is it best to let her go?
> It can be hard to let her go because she is your friend :/ did you try to understand why she is acting like that? Maybe there is a reason she can't talk about but yes if she doesnt bring you anything positive you should let her go


#104593  Re: hello
HANDLE: nellie.ly DATE: 2025年3月4日 0時0分
304 wrote:
> how is everyone? i haven’t been on this site in a while my messages kept refusing to send which is sad. the sky is so blue these days spring is nearly here again
> lucky, I wish I could experience spring, hru?


#104592  bsf
HANDLE: nellie.ly DATE: 2025年3月3日 23時58分
I realized my best friend is super mean. We told her about her attitude, she didn't change. Is it best to let her go?

HANDLE: 1Flowr DATE: 2025年3月3日 23時53分

#104590  植さんへ‐1
HANDLE: êAÇ≥ÇÒ DATE: 2025年3月3日 23時42分





#104589  hello
HANDLE: 304 DATE: 2025年3月3日 22時46分
how is everyone? i haven’t been on this site in a while my messages kept refusing to send which is sad. the sky is so blue these days spring is nearly here again

#104588  oh
HANDLE: Lou DATE: 2025年3月3日 19時27分
my body is shaking.
i cant move my limbs.
the ether lifts me up.
i am finally free.

#104587  Re: Re: Re: 音
HANDLE: Chaotic DATE: 2025年3月3日 6時29分
無頓着さん wrote:
> Chaotic wrote:
> > 無頓着さん wrote:
> > > 薄暗い部屋の中で、膝を抱えながら、抑揚のない音を聞き飽きてる
> > > sounds depressing
> こういう流れの繰り返しからの脱出方法あるんですか?
> Maybe talk about it? And instead of listening while in bed going outside and listening, it's hard to get ready, I know, but maybe it will help. What kind of songs do you listen to?


#104586  Re: Re: 音
HANDLE: 無頓着さん DATE: 2025年3月3日 6時20分
Chaotic wrote:
> 無頓着さん wrote:
> > 薄暗い部屋の中で、膝を抱えながら、抑揚のない音を聞き飽きてる
> > sounds depressing

#104585  last year
HANDLE: Chaotic DATE: 2025年3月3日 6時17分
I'm at the moment in my last year of high school after this im going to study aplied mathematics in hope to become a sofware engineer. But I hate that my friends do not care about me this year anymore. My best friend doesn't even want to hang out with me anymore. She probably thinks I'm boring. I mean I am, but she should say it to my face. My teachers hate me for sure because I'm not interesting like the girls that bully me. I hope I just graduate, but I never want to see myself back in high school or even close to those people. How to dissapear?